Library Diqt.Table
From Coq Require Import PArray Nat PeanoNat ZArith Bool Lia List Uint63.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Int_utils.
Open Scope uint63_scope.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Int_utils.
Open Scope uint63_scope.
hashtable implantation with PArray
Section Hashtable.
Context {A B: Set}.
Variable eq: A → A → bool.
Variable eq_spec: ∀ x y : A, reflect (x = y) (eq x y).
Variable hash: A → int.
Inductive bucket : Set :=
| Empty : bucket
| Cons : int → A → B → bucket → bucket.
Definition table := PArray.array bucket.
Record t : Set := hash_tab {
size : int;
hashtab : table;
Definition length t : int :=
PArray.length (hashtab t).
Definition create (size: int) : t :=
let h := make size Empty in
hash_tab 0 h.
Definition key_index (s: int) (k: int) : int :=
k mod s.
Definition get_bucket (h: t) (k: int) : bucket :=
if length h =? 0 then Empty
else (hashtab h).[key_index (length h) k].
Definition resize_heurisitic (h: t) : bool :=
(length h << 1 <=? size h) && negb (length h =? PArray.max_length).
Opaque resize_heurisitic.
Fixpoint fold_right {T:Type} f (a: T) b :=
match b with
| Empty ⇒ a
| Cons h k v b' ⇒ f h k v (fold_right f a b')
Definition rehash_bucket (nt lt: table) (ns ls i: int) : table :=
fold_right (fun h k v a ⇒
if i =? key_index ls h then
let h_b := key_index ns h in
a.[h_b <- Cons h k v a.[h_b]]
else a)
nt lt.[i].
Definition copy_tab (ht: t) (i: int) : t :=
let last_size := length ht in
let new_size := last_size × 2 in
let a := make new_size Empty in
let new_tab :=
fold_int (fun i a ⇒
rehash_bucket a (hashtab ht) (PArray.length a) (length ht) i)
i a
hash_tab (size ht) new_tab.
Definition resize (ht: t): t :=
if length ht =? 0 then
hash_tab 0 (make 16 Empty)
else if resize_heurisitic ht then
copy_tab ht (length ht)
else ht.
Fixpoint bucket_remove (b: bucket) (hash: int) (key: A) :=
match b with
| Empty ⇒ (false, Empty)
| Cons hash' key' v b ⇒
if if hash =? hash' then eq key key' else false
then (true, b)
let new_bucket := bucket_remove b hash key in
(fst new_bucket, Cons hash' key' v (snd new_bucket))
Definition remove (h: t) (key: A) : t :=
let tab := hashtab h in
let hash := hash key in
let i := key_index (length h) hash in
let b_remove := bucket_remove tab.[i] hash key in
if fst b_remove
then hash_tab (size h - 1) (tab.[i <- snd b_remove])
else h.
Definition add (h: t) (key: A) (v: B) : t :=
let h := resize h in
let tab := hashtab h in
let hash := hash key in
let i := key_index (length h) hash in
let new := Cons hash key v tab.[i] in
hash_tab (size h + 1) tab.[i<-new].
Definition replace (h: t) (key: A) (v: B) : t :=
let h := resize h in
let tab := hashtab h in
let hash := hash key in
let i := key_index (length h) hash in
let remove_result := bucket_remove tab.[i] hash key in
let new_size := if fst remove_result then (size h) else (size h) + 1 in
hash_tab new_size tab.[i <- Cons hash key v (snd remove_result)].
Fixpoint find_rec (l: bucket) (h: int) (k: A): option B :=
match l with
| Empty ⇒ None
| Cons h' k' v l' ⇒
if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
then Some v
else find_rec l' h k
Definition find (h: t) (key: A) : option B :=
let hash := hash key in
let bucket := get_bucket h hash in
find_rec bucket hash key.
Fixpoint find_all_rec (l: bucket) (h: int) (k: A) (acc: list B): list B :=
match l with
| Empty ⇒ List.rev' acc
| Cons h' k' v l' ⇒
if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
then find_all_rec l' h k (v :: acc)
else find_all_rec l' h k acc
Definition mem (h: t) (key: A) : bool :=
match find h key with
| Some _ ⇒ true
| None ⇒ false
Definition find_all (h: t) (key: A) : list B :=
let hash := hash key in
find_all_rec (get_bucket h hash) hash key [].
Fixpoint elements_bucket l b i s :=
match b with
| Empty ⇒ l
| Cons h k v b' ⇒
if key_index s h =? i
then elements_bucket ((k, v) :: l) b' i s
else elements_bucket l b' i s
Definition elements h :=
let s := length h in
fold_int (fun i l ⇒ elements_bucket l (hashtab h).[i] i s) s [].
Fixpoint fold_bucket {Acc: Type} b f i s (acc: Acc) :=
match b with
| Empty ⇒ acc
| Cons h k v b' ⇒
if key_index s h =? i
then fold_bucket b' f i s (f k v acc)
else fold_bucket b' f i s acc
Definition fold {Acc: Type} h f (acc: Acc) :=
let length := length h in
fold_int (fun i ⇒ fold_bucket (hashtab h).[i] f i length) length acc.
Lemma eq_true:
∀ (k1 k2 : A), k1 = k2 → eq k1 k2 = true.
Lemma eq_false:
∀ (k1 k2 : A), k1 ≠ k2 → eq k1 k2 = false.
Lemma eq_refl:
∀ (k : A), eq k k = true.
Lemma neq_sym:
∀ (k k' : A), k ≠ k' → k' ≠ k.
∀ (k1 k2 : A), k1 = k2 → eq k1 k2 = true.
Lemma eq_false:
∀ (k1 k2 : A), k1 ≠ k2 → eq k1 k2 = false.
Lemma eq_refl:
∀ (k : A), eq k k = true.
Lemma neq_sym:
∀ (k k' : A), k ≠ k' → k' ≠ k.
Fixpoint find_all_rec' (l: bucket) (h: int) (k: A) : list B :=
match l with
| Empty ⇒ []
| Cons h' k' v l' ⇒
if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
then v :: find_all_rec' l' h k
else find_all_rec' l' h k
Lemma find_all_rec_correct:
∀ (l: bucket) (h: int) (key: A) acc,
find_all_rec l h key acc = rev acc ++ find_all_rec' l h key.
Lemma rehash_bucket_length:
∀ (nt lt: table) i,
PArray.length (rehash_bucket nt lt (PArray.length nt) (PArray.length lt) i)
= PArray.length nt.
Lemma copy_tab_lenght:
∀ (ht: t) (i: int),
PArray.length (hashtab ht) =? 0 = false →
PArray.length (hashtab (copy_tab ht i)) =? 0 = false.
Lemma length_resize_non_neg:
∀ (h: t),
(length (resize h)) =? 0 = false.
Lemma fold_right_length:
∀ nt lt i0 i b,
(PArray.length nt =? 0) = false →
(i0 mod PArray.length nt <?
(fun (h : int) (k : A) (v : B) (a0 : array bucket) ⇒
if i =? key_index (length lt) h
a0.[key_index (PArray.length nt) h <-Cons h k v a0.[key_index (PArray.length nt) h]]
else a0) nt b)) = true.
Lemma rehash_bucket_correct1:
∀ (nt: table) (lt: t) (k: A) (i s: int),
length lt =? 0 = false →
PArray.length nt =? 0 = false →
i = key_index (length lt) (hash k) →
find_all (hash_tab s nt) k = [] →
find_all (hash_tab s (rehash_bucket nt (hashtab lt)
(PArray.length nt) (length lt) i)) k =
find_all lt k.
Lemma rehash_bucket_correct2:
∀ (nt: table) (lt: t) (k: A) (i s: int),
length lt =? 0 = false →
PArray.length nt =? 0 = false →
i ≠ key_index (length lt) (hash k) →
(to_Z (length lt) ≤ to_Z (PArray.length nt))%Z →
find_all (hash_tab s (rehash_bucket nt (hashtab lt)
(PArray.length nt) (length lt) i)) k =
find_all (hash_tab s nt) k.
Lemma length_rect_non_neg:
∀ ht n,
length ht =? 0 = false →
(nat_rect (fun _ : nat ⇒ table) (make (length ht × 2) Empty)
(fun (n0 : nat) (acc : table) ⇒
rehash_bucket acc (hashtab ht) (PArray.length acc)
(length ht) (of_Z (Z.of_nat n0))) n) =? 0 = false.
Lemma length_rect_min:
∀ ht n,
length ht <=?
(nat_rect (fun _ : nat ⇒ table) (make (length ht × 2) Empty)
(fun (n0 : nat) (acc : table) ⇒
rehash_bucket acc (hashtab ht) (PArray.length acc)
(length ht) (of_Z (Z.of_nat n0))) n) = true.
Lemma copy_tab_correct:
∀ (ht: t) (k: A) (i: int),
length ht =? 0 = false →
key_index (length ht) (hash k) <? i = true →
find_all (copy_tab ht i) k = find_all ht k.
Lemma find_all_resize:
∀ (h: t) (k: A),
find_all (resize h) k = find_all h k.
Lemma key_index_max:
∀ (h: t) (k: int),
(length h) =? 0 = false →
(to_Z (key_index (length h) k) < to_Z (PArray.length (hashtab h)))%Z.
Theorem find_add_same:
∀ (k: A) (v: B) (h: t),
find_all (add h k v) k = v :: (find_all h k).
Theorem find_add_other:
∀ (k k': A) (v: B) (h: t),
k' ≠ k → find_all (add h k v) k' = find_all h k'.
Lemma bucket_remove_same:
∀ (b: bucket) (k: A),
let h := hash k in
(fst (bucket_remove b h k) = false → snd (bucket_remove b h k) = b) ∧
find_all_rec (snd (bucket_remove b h k)) h k [] = (find_all_rec b h k []).
Lemma bucket_remove_other:
∀ (b: bucket) (k k': A),
let h := hash k in
let h' := hash k' in
k' ≠ k →
find_all_rec (snd (bucket_remove b h k)) h' k' [] =
find_all_rec b h' k' [].
Theorem remove_same:
∀ (ht: t) (k: A),
find_all (remove ht k) k = (find_all ht k).
Theorem remove_other:
∀ (ht: t) (k: A) (k': A),
k' ≠ k →
find_all (remove ht k) k' = find_all ht k'.
Theorem replace_same:
∀ ht key v,
find_all (replace ht key v) key = v :: ( (find_all ht key)).
Theorem replace_other:
∀ ht k1 k2 v,
k1 ≠ k2 →
find_all (replace ht k1 v) k2 = find_all ht k2.