Library Diqt.Radix

From Coq Require Import ZArith Bool List.
Import ListNotations.

Open Scope positive_scope.

Radix tree for hashtable

Section Radix.
  Variable A: Set.
  Variable eq: A A bool.
  Variable eq_spec: x y : A, reflect (x = y) (eq x y).
  Variable B: Set.

  Variable hash: A positive.

  Inductive bucket : Set :=
  | B_Empty : bucket
  | B_Cons : positive A B bucket bucket.

  Inductive tree : Type :=
  | Empty: tree
  | Node: tree bucket tree tree.

Tree functions

  Definition empty : tree := Empty.

  Fixpoint get (p: positive) (t: tree) : bucket :=
    match p, t with
    | _, EmptyB_Empty
    | xH, Node _ e _e
    | xO p', Node l _ _get p' l
    | xI p', Node _ _ rget p' r

  Fixpoint set0 (p: positive) (e: bucket) : tree :=
    match p with
    | xHNode Empty e Empty
    | xO p'Node (set0 p' e) B_Empty Empty
    | xI p'Node Empty B_Empty (set0 p' e)

  Fixpoint set (p: positive) (e: bucket) (t: tree) : tree :=
    match p, t with
    | _, Emptyset0 p e
    | xH, Node l _ rNode l e r
    | xO p', Node l y rNode (set p' e l) y r
    | xI p', Node l y rNode l y (set p' e r)

Tree Facts

  Theorem gempty:
     (i: positive), get i empty = B_Empty.

  Theorem gss0:
     (i: positive) (x: bucket), get i (set0 i x) = x.

  Theorem gos0:
     (i j: positive) (x: bucket),
    i j get i (set0 j x) = B_Empty.

  Theorem gss:
     (i: positive) (x: bucket) (t: tree), get i (set i x t) = x.

  Theorem gso:
     (i j: positive) (x: bucket) (t: tree),
    i j get i (set j x t) = get i t.

hashtables functions

  Fixpoint find_rec l h k: option B :=
    match l with
    | B_EmptyNone
    | B_Cons h' k' v tl
        if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
        then Some v
        else find_rec tl h k

  Definition find (t: tree) (k: A) : option B :=
    let h := hash k in
    find_rec (get h t) h k.

  Fixpoint find_all_rec (l: bucket) (h: positive) (k: A) (acc: list B): list B :=
    match l with
    | B_EmptyList.rev' acc
    | B_Cons h' k' v l'
        if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
        then find_all_rec l' h k (v :: acc)
        else find_all_rec l' h k acc

  Definition mem (h: tree) (key: A) : bool :=
    match find h key with
    | Some _true
    | Nonefalse

  Definition find_all (d: tree) (k: A) : list B :=
    let h_k := hash k in
    find_all_rec (get h_k d) h_k k nil.

  Definition add (d: tree) (k: A) (e: B) : tree :=
    let h_k := hash k in
    match get h_k d with
    | B_Emptyset h_k (B_Cons h_k k e B_Empty) d
    | bset h_k (B_Cons h_k k e b) d

  Fixpoint bucket_remove (b: bucket) (h: positive) (k: A) :=
    match b with
    | B_EmptyB_Empty
    | B_Cons h' k' v b
        if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
        then b
        else B_Cons h' k' v (bucket_remove b h k)

  Definition remove (d: tree) (k: A) : tree :=
    let h := hash k in
    match get h d with
    | B_Emptyd
    | bset h (bucket_remove b h k) d

  Definition replace (d: tree) (k: A) (e: B) : tree :=
    let h := hash k in
    match get h d with
    | B_Emptyset h (B_Cons h k e B_Empty) d
    | bset h (B_Cons h k e (bucket_remove b h k)) d

Hashtables facts


  Lemma eq_true:
     (k1 k2 : A), k1 = k2 eq k1 k2 = true.

  Lemma eq_false:
     (k1 k2 : A), k1 k2 eq k1 k2 = false.

  Lemma eq_refl:
     (k : A), k = k eq k k = true.


  Fixpoint find_all_rec' (l: bucket) (h: positive) (k: A) : list B :=
    match l with
    | B_Emptynil
    | B_Cons h' k' v l'
        if if h =? h' then eq k k' else false
        then v :: find_all_rec' l' h k
        else find_all_rec' l' h k

  Lemma find_all_rec_correct:
     (l: bucket) (h: positive) (key: A) acc,
    find_all_rec l h key acc = rev acc ++ find_all_rec' l h key.


  Theorem find_empty:
     (k: A), find empty k = None.


  Theorem find_add_same:
     (d: tree) (k: A) (v: B),
    find_all (add d k v) k = v :: find_all d k.

  Theorem find_add_other:
     (d: tree) (k k': A) (v: B),
    k' k find_all (add d k v) k' = find_all d k'.


  Theorem find_spec:
     t key,
    find t key = List.hd_error (find_all t key).


  Lemma bucket_remove_same:
     (b: bucket) (k: A),
    let h := hash k in
    find_all_rec (bucket_remove b h k) h k [] = (find_all_rec b h k []).

  Lemma bucket_remove_other:
     (b: bucket) (k k': A),
    let h := hash k in
    let h' := hash k' in
    k' k
    find_all_rec (bucket_remove b h k) h' k' [] =
    find_all_rec b h' k' [].

  Theorem remove_same:
     (t: tree) (k: A),
    find_all (remove t k) k = (find_all t k).

  Theorem remove_other:
     (t: tree) (k: A) (k': A),
    k' k
    find_all (remove t k) k' = find_all t k'.


  Theorem replace_same:
     h key v,
    find_all (replace h key v) key = v :: ( (find_all h key)).

  Theorem replace_other:
     h k1 k2 v,
    k1 k2
    find_all (replace h k1 v) k2 = find_all h k2.
End Radix.

Arguments tree A : clear implicits.